Emma Bond
I am a body psychotherapist – I’ve got something for your mind, body and soul

Main idea
What is Biodynamic Body Psychotherapy?
Biodynamic Body Psychotherapy is very unique as it uses a wide range of techniques; talking, massage, vegetotherapy, movement, digestion, meditative and sensory awareness. Your session may involve a combination of different methods to suit you.
- Developed by Gerda Boyesen in the 1960s
- Biodynamic Body Psychotherapy appreciates a persons mind, body and soul and works to integrate them rather than seeing them as separate.
- Increasingly, we are becoming aware of the body, mind and soul connection so why not a psychotherapeutic approach which moves beyond words?

What do I offer?

Hello I’m Emma and I and a Biodynamic Body Psychotherapist. I have been working with clients since November 2018. I trained at London School of Biodynamic Psychotherapy. I have had Body Psychotherapy on and off for around 10 years and found it highly beneficial after trying other forms of talking therapy.
welcome anyone
Get in touch

The Light Centre, Monument, Moorgate and Marylebone

Working hours
Thursday 8:00 - 19:30 Friday 13:30 - 19:30


Phone number
Write me
I am a body psychotherapist – I’ve got something for your mind, body and soul. I’m a Biodynamic Body Psychotherapist, so as well as talking therapy I work with posture, digestion and breathing
- The Light Centre, Monument, Moorgate and Marylebone
Thursday 8:00 - 19:30
Friday 13:30 - 19:30 - info@yogawithemmabond.com
- 07960390301